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In Prep/Review/Revision
Salehzadeh, R.*, Soylu, F., & Jalili, N. (in review). Comparative Study of Machine Learning Methods for Classifying ERP Scalp Distributions
Soylu, F. (in review). A New Cognitive Ontology for Numerical Cognition.
Soylu, F. (in review). A New Cognitive Ontology for Numerical Cognition.
Journal Articles / Book Chapters
Soylu, F., May, K., & Kana, R. (2023). White and Gray Matter Correlates of Theory of Mind in Autism: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study. Brain Structure and Function. [PDF download]
Salehzadeh, R., Soylu, F., & Jalili, N. (2023). A comparative study of machine learning methods for classifying ERP scalp distribution. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 9(4), 045027. [PDF download]
Soylu, F. (2023). Theoretical and Educational Challenges with Enactivist Approaches to Mathematical Cognition. Constructivist Foundations, 18(2), 245-247. [PDF download]
Salehzadeh, R.*, Rivera, B., Man, K., Jalili, N., Soylu, F. (2023). EEG Decoding of Finger Numeral Configurations with Machine Learning. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 9(1), 206-221. [PDF download]
Webber, W.B.*, Soylu, F., & Burnham, J.J. (2023). Stereotyping among graduate students in mental health fields: An EEG study. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 45(1), 74-92.
Anchan, M.*,& Soylu, F. (2023). Language Matters: Mathematical Learning and Cognition in Bilingual Children. In Katherine M. Robinson, Donna Kotsopoulos, & Adam Dubé (Eds.). Mathematical Learning and Cognition in Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence: Integrating Interdisciplinary Research into Practice. New York City, New York: Springer Publishing [PDF download]
Soylu, F. (2022). Eğitimsel Sinirbilim Araştırma Yöntemleri. In E. Keleş (Ed.) Eğitimsel Sinirbilim. Nobel Yayıncılık [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Rivera, B.*, & Soylu, F. (2021). Incongruity in Fraction Verification Elicits N270 And P300 ERP Effects. Neuropsychologia, 161(August), 108015. [PDF download] [BiBTeX]
Suárez Pellicioni, M., Soylu, F., & Booth, J. (2021). Gray matter volume in left inferior parietal sulcus predicts longitudinal gains in subtraction skill in elementary school. Neuroimage, 235(April), 118021. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Newman, S., Loughery, E., Ecklund, A., You, C., Von Werder, H., & Soylu, F. (2021). Structured versus free block play: the impact on arithmetic processing. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 100146. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Soylu, F. (2020). Matematik Öğrenme Güçlüğünün (Diskalkulinin) Beyinsel ve Kalıtımsal Temelleri. In Yilmaz Mutlu, Sinan Olkun, Levent Akgun, & Mehmet Hayri Sari (Eds.) Diskalkuli: Matematik Öğrenme Güçlüğü. Pegem Akademi, Ankara [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Han, H., Lee, K.†, & Soylu, F.† (2020). Applying the Deep Learning Method for Simulating Outcomes of Educational Interventions. SN Computer Science, 1(2), 1-14. †Authors contributed equally. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Soylu, F.† & Newman, S. D.† (2020). Editorial: Towards an Understanding of the Relationship Between Spatial Processing Ability and Numerical and Mathematical Cognition. Frontiers in Psychology, Cognition. †Authors contributed equally. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Han, H.† & Soylu, F.†, & Anchan, M.* (2019). Connecting Levels of Analysis in Educational Neuroscience. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 17. †Authors contributed equally. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Soylu, F., Rivera, B.*, Anchan, M.*, & Shannon, N.* (2019). ERP differences in processing canonical and noncanonical finger-numeral configurations. Neuroscience Letters, 705, 74–79. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Soylu, F., Seo, R., Newman, M., & Newman, S. D. (2019). Gray Matter Correlates of Finger Gnosis in Children: A VBM Study. Neuroscience, 404, 82–90. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Soylu, F., Lester, F., & Newman, S. (2018). You can count on your fingers: The role of fingers in early mathematical development. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 4(1), 107–135. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Han, H., Lee, K., & Soylu, F. (2018). Simulating outcomes of interventions using a multipurpose simulation program based on the evolutionary causal matrices and Markov chain. Knowledge and Information Systems, 18(2), 223-227. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Soylu, F., Raymond, D.R., Gutierrez, A.M., & Newman, S.D. (2018). The differential relationship between finger gnosis, and addition and subtraction: an fMRI study. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 3(3), 694–715. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Mutlu, Y. & Soylu, F. (2018) Eğitsel sinirbilim ve bedenlenmiş biliş perspektifinden matematik öğrenme güçlüğü yaşayan öğrencilerde parmakla sayma. Bilim, Eğitim ve Sanat Araştırmaları – Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Soylu, F., Holbert, N., Brady, C., & Wilensky, U. (2017). Embodied perspective taking in learning about complex systems. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. 28(3), 269-303. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Han, H., Lee, K., & Soylu F. (2016). Predicting long-term outcomes of educational interventions using the evolutionary causal matrices and Markov chain. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 5(4), 157–165. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Soylu, F. (2016). An embodied approach to understanding: Making sense of the world through simulated bodily activity. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1914. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Soylu, F., Newman, S.D. (2016). Anatomically ordered tapping interferes more with one-digit addition than two-digit – A Dual-Task fMRI Study. Cognitive Processing. 17(1), 67–77. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Brady, C., Holbert, N., Soylu, F., Novak, M., & Wilensky, U. (2015). Sandboxes for model-based inquiry. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 24(2-3), 265-286. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Newman, S.D., Soylu F. (2014). The impact of finger counting habits on arithmetic in adults and children. Psychological Research, 78(4), 549–56. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Hickey, D.T., Soylu, F. (2012). Wikifolios, reflections, and exams for online engagement, understanding, and achievement. Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology, 1(1), 64-71. [PDF]
Yalvac, B., Ayar, M. C., & Soylu, F. (2012). Teaching engineering with wikis. International Journal of Engineering Education, 28(3), 701. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Yalvac, B., Soylu, F., & Arikan, A., (2011). Bedenlenmiş biliş ve eğitim. Ethos: Felsefe ve Toplumsal Bilimlerde Diyaloglar, 4(1), 1-20. [PDF] [BiBTeX]
Public Datasets
Soylu, F. (2019). Public dataset: ERP differences in processing canonical and noncanonical finger-numeral configurations, Harvard Dataverse.
Soylu, F. & Newman, S.D (2019). Public Dataset – Gray Matter Correlates of Finger Gnosis in Children: a VBM Study, Harvard Dataverse.
Soylu, F. & Newman, S.D (2017). Public Dataset: The Differential Relationship Between Finger Gnosis, and Addition and Subtraction: An fMRI Study, Harvard Dataverse.
Soylu, F. & Newman, S.D (2019). Public Dataset – Gray Matter Correlates of Finger Gnosis in Children: a VBM Study, Harvard Dataverse.
Soylu, F. & Newman, S.D (2017). Public Dataset: The Differential Relationship Between Finger Gnosis, and Addition and Subtraction: An fMRI Study, Harvard Dataverse.
Conference Proceedings
*Rivera, B., & Soylu, F. (2018). Semantic Processing in Fraction Comparison: An ERP Study. Paper presentation at the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, WI: July, 2018
Han, H., Thoma, S. & Soylu, F., Lee, K. (2017). How to make moral education more effective? From a brain study to policy making. Paper presented at the 2017 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting.
Soylu, F. & Yalvac, B. (2016). Connecting levels of analysis in educational neuroscience. Paper presented at the 2016 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (SIG - Brain, Neurosciences, and Education). Washington, DC: April, 2016.
Holbert, N., Brady, C., Soylu, F., Novak, M., Wilensky, U. (2015). The model gallery: supporting idea diffusion in computational modeling activities. Paper presentated at the 2015 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (SIG - Advanced Technologies for Learning), Chicago, IL: April, 2015.
Soylu, F., Brady, C., Holbert, N., Wilensky, U. (2014). The thinking hand: Embodiment of tool use, social cognition and metaphorical thinking and implications for learning design. Paper presented at the 2014 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (SIG - Brain, Neurosciences, and Education), Philadelphia, PA: April, 2014.
Soylu, F. (2014). Educational Neuroscience of Mathematical Cognition. In Landy, D., Trninic, D., Soylu, F., Kehoe, J., & Fishwick, P., The implications of embodiment for mathematics and computing education. Symposium conducted at the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Quebec City, Canada: July, 2014.
Soylu, F. & Newman, S. D. (2011). Is arithmetic embodied? Differential interference of sequential finger tapping on addition during a dual-task paradigm. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: July, 2011.
Soylu, F. (2011). Mathematical cognition as embodied simulation. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: July, 2011.
Millard, M., & Soylu, F. (2009). An embodied approach for engaged interaction in ubiquitous computing. In J. Jacko (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Human-Computer Interaction Conference. (Vol. 5612, pp. 464-472). San Diego, CA: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Han, H., Thoma, S. & Soylu, F., Lee, K. (2017). How to make moral education more effective? From a brain study to policy making. Paper presented at the 2017 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting.
Soylu, F. & Yalvac, B. (2016). Connecting levels of analysis in educational neuroscience. Paper presented at the 2016 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (SIG - Brain, Neurosciences, and Education). Washington, DC: April, 2016.
Holbert, N., Brady, C., Soylu, F., Novak, M., Wilensky, U. (2015). The model gallery: supporting idea diffusion in computational modeling activities. Paper presentated at the 2015 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (SIG - Advanced Technologies for Learning), Chicago, IL: April, 2015.
Soylu, F., Brady, C., Holbert, N., Wilensky, U. (2014). The thinking hand: Embodiment of tool use, social cognition and metaphorical thinking and implications for learning design. Paper presented at the 2014 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (SIG - Brain, Neurosciences, and Education), Philadelphia, PA: April, 2014.
Soylu, F. (2014). Educational Neuroscience of Mathematical Cognition. In Landy, D., Trninic, D., Soylu, F., Kehoe, J., & Fishwick, P., The implications of embodiment for mathematics and computing education. Symposium conducted at the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Quebec City, Canada: July, 2014.
Soylu, F. & Newman, S. D. (2011). Is arithmetic embodied? Differential interference of sequential finger tapping on addition during a dual-task paradigm. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: July, 2011.
Soylu, F. (2011). Mathematical cognition as embodied simulation. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: July, 2011.
Millard, M., & Soylu, F. (2009). An embodied approach for engaged interaction in ubiquitous computing. In J. Jacko (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Human-Computer Interaction Conference. (Vol. 5612, pp. 464-472). San Diego, CA: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Select Conference Presentations & Talks
Soylu, F. (2021). The challenges with embodied cognitive neuroscience. Paper presented presented at the Philosophy and Neuroscience at the Gulf IV Fourth Annual Meeting of the Deep South Philosophy and Neuroscience Workgroup, Pensacola, FL: September 24, 2021.
Anchan, M.*, Choi, Y-J., & Soylu, F. (2021). Adding marginalization, subtracting scores, multiplying inequities, dividing people: Low math performance predictors in English language learners. Paper to be presented at the 89th Annual American Educational Research Association Conference, Orlando, FL: April, 2021. [virtual due to COVID19]
Salehzadeh, R., Soylu, F., & Jalili, N. (2021) Decoding ERPs for processing of canonical and non-canonical finger-numeral configurations. In Roesch, S. & Moeller, K., Raising a Finger for Numbers. Symposium for the 63rd TEAP (Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen; Conference of Experimental Psychologists). Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany: March, 2021. [virtual due to COVID19]
Webber, W.B., Soylu, F., & Burnham, J.J (2020). Using neuroscience to inform counseling: An EEG study of stereotyping. Paper presentation for the 2020 Conference of the Alabama Counseling Association. [virtual due to COVID19]
Soylu, F. (2020). Developmental associations between the finger tactile and motor systems, and mathematical functions. In Bahnmüller, J. & Barrocas, R., Digits grasp digits: The interplay of fingers and numbers in early numerical learning. Symposium for the 3rd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland: July, 2020. [virtual due to COVID19]
Soylu, F. & Suárez Pellicioni, M. (2020). Gray Matter Correlates of Mathematical Fluency in Children. The 3rd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland: July, 2020. [virtual due to COVID19]
Anchan, M.*, Choi, Y., & Soylu, F. (2020). Predictors of Math Performance: Language of Instruction, Gender, Math Preference, and Bullying. The 3rd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland: July, 2020. [virtual due to COVID19]
Rivera, B.*, Soylu, F., Malaia, E. (2020). Neural Bases of Numerical and Social Information Transfer in Autism Spectrum Disorder. The 3rd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland: July, 2020. [virtual due to COVID19]
Kim, J.*, Rivera, B.*, Anchan, B.*, & Soylu, F. (2019). Gray Matter Correlates of Mathematical Fluency in Children. Poster presented at the 8th Alabama Advanced Imaging Consortium Retreat: August, 2019.
Soylu, F., Rivera, B.* Anchan, M.*, & Shannon, N.* (2019). Testing the Motor Simulation Theory in Processing Canonical and Non-Canonical Finger Numeral Configurations. The 2nd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada: June, 2019.
Anchan, M.*, Rivera, B.*, Shannon, N.*, & Soylu, F. (2019). Does It Add Up? Comparing Arithmetic Processing in Bilinguals and Monolinguals. The 2nd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada: June, 2019.
Rivera, B.,* & Soylu, F. (2019). The ERP effects of shared components in fraction comparisons. The 2nd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada: June, 2019.
*Anchan, M. & Soylu F. (2019). Does It Add Up? Comparing Arithmetic Processing in Bilinguals and Monolinguals. 26th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference. San Francisco, CA, March 23-26, 2019.
*Anchan, M. & Soylu, F. (2018). Does it Add Up? Comparing Arithmetic Processing in Monolinguals and Bilinguals. 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA: October, 2018.
*Rivera, B., & Soylu, F. (2018). The Effects of Shared Components in Fraction Comparisons: Evidence From ERPs. Poster presented at the 6th Biennial International Mind Brain and Education Conference. The University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA: September, 2018.
Soylu, F., Anchan, M.*, & Newman, S.D. (2018). Sex differences in gray matter correlates of finger gnosis in children: a VBM study. Poster presented at the 2018 Organization for the Study of Sex Differences Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Soylu, F., Raymond, D.R., Gutierrez, A.M., & Newman, S.D. (2018). The Relation between Finger Sense and Arithmetic: An fMRI Study of Children in Second and Third Grades. Paper presented at the 2018 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (SIG - Brain, Neurosciences, and Education). New York, NY: April, 2018
Soylu, F., Gutierrez, A.M., Hanson, M., & Newman, S.D. (2018). Effects of Structured Block Play on Arithmetic Processing: An fMRI Study. Paper presented at the 2018 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (SIG - Brain, Neurosciences, and Education). New York, NY: April, 2018
*Rivera, B., Shannon, N., & Soylu, F. (2017). ERP Markers for Number Gesture Processing. Poster presented at the The National Diversity in STEM Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: October, 2017.
Wagh, A., Novak, M., & Soylu, F. (2016). Integrating agent-based modeling and case studies to learn about population dynamics: A design framework. Paper presented at the 2016 National Association of Researchers of Science Teaching (NARST) Conference. Baltimore, MD: April, 2016.
Anchan, M.*, Choi, Y-J., & Soylu, F. (2021). Adding marginalization, subtracting scores, multiplying inequities, dividing people: Low math performance predictors in English language learners. Paper to be presented at the 89th Annual American Educational Research Association Conference, Orlando, FL: April, 2021. [virtual due to COVID19]
Salehzadeh, R., Soylu, F., & Jalili, N. (2021) Decoding ERPs for processing of canonical and non-canonical finger-numeral configurations. In Roesch, S. & Moeller, K., Raising a Finger for Numbers. Symposium for the 63rd TEAP (Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen; Conference of Experimental Psychologists). Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany: March, 2021. [virtual due to COVID19]
Webber, W.B., Soylu, F., & Burnham, J.J (2020). Using neuroscience to inform counseling: An EEG study of stereotyping. Paper presentation for the 2020 Conference of the Alabama Counseling Association. [virtual due to COVID19]
Soylu, F. (2020). Developmental associations between the finger tactile and motor systems, and mathematical functions. In Bahnmüller, J. & Barrocas, R., Digits grasp digits: The interplay of fingers and numbers in early numerical learning. Symposium for the 3rd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland: July, 2020. [virtual due to COVID19]
Soylu, F. & Suárez Pellicioni, M. (2020). Gray Matter Correlates of Mathematical Fluency in Children. The 3rd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland: July, 2020. [virtual due to COVID19]
Anchan, M.*, Choi, Y., & Soylu, F. (2020). Predictors of Math Performance: Language of Instruction, Gender, Math Preference, and Bullying. The 3rd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland: July, 2020. [virtual due to COVID19]
Rivera, B.*, Soylu, F., Malaia, E. (2020). Neural Bases of Numerical and Social Information Transfer in Autism Spectrum Disorder. The 3rd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland: July, 2020. [virtual due to COVID19]
Kim, J.*, Rivera, B.*, Anchan, B.*, & Soylu, F. (2019). Gray Matter Correlates of Mathematical Fluency in Children. Poster presented at the 8th Alabama Advanced Imaging Consortium Retreat: August, 2019.
Soylu, F., Rivera, B.* Anchan, M.*, & Shannon, N.* (2019). Testing the Motor Simulation Theory in Processing Canonical and Non-Canonical Finger Numeral Configurations. The 2nd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada: June, 2019.
Anchan, M.*, Rivera, B.*, Shannon, N.*, & Soylu, F. (2019). Does It Add Up? Comparing Arithmetic Processing in Bilinguals and Monolinguals. The 2nd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada: June, 2019.
Rivera, B.,* & Soylu, F. (2019). The ERP effects of shared components in fraction comparisons. The 2nd Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada: June, 2019.
*Anchan, M. & Soylu F. (2019). Does It Add Up? Comparing Arithmetic Processing in Bilinguals and Monolinguals. 26th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference. San Francisco, CA, March 23-26, 2019.
*Anchan, M. & Soylu, F. (2018). Does it Add Up? Comparing Arithmetic Processing in Monolinguals and Bilinguals. 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA: October, 2018.
*Rivera, B., & Soylu, F. (2018). The Effects of Shared Components in Fraction Comparisons: Evidence From ERPs. Poster presented at the 6th Biennial International Mind Brain and Education Conference. The University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA: September, 2018.
Soylu, F., Anchan, M.*, & Newman, S.D. (2018). Sex differences in gray matter correlates of finger gnosis in children: a VBM study. Poster presented at the 2018 Organization for the Study of Sex Differences Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Soylu, F., Raymond, D.R., Gutierrez, A.M., & Newman, S.D. (2018). The Relation between Finger Sense and Arithmetic: An fMRI Study of Children in Second and Third Grades. Paper presented at the 2018 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (SIG - Brain, Neurosciences, and Education). New York, NY: April, 2018
Soylu, F., Gutierrez, A.M., Hanson, M., & Newman, S.D. (2018). Effects of Structured Block Play on Arithmetic Processing: An fMRI Study. Paper presented at the 2018 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting (SIG - Brain, Neurosciences, and Education). New York, NY: April, 2018
*Rivera, B., Shannon, N., & Soylu, F. (2017). ERP Markers for Number Gesture Processing. Poster presented at the The National Diversity in STEM Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: October, 2017.
Wagh, A., Novak, M., & Soylu, F. (2016). Integrating agent-based modeling and case studies to learn about population dynamics: A design framework. Paper presented at the 2016 National Association of Researchers of Science Teaching (NARST) Conference. Baltimore, MD: April, 2016.